You can hide but not .

You can hide but not .

Daily for (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

When we have found our path, we naturally want to start to walk down it, Capricorn. The reverse isn't true despite what you seem to believe. It's quite futile to learn how to walk when you don't know which path to walk upon. This may seem a little obscure to you, and yet it's true. Desire is what creates aptitude, not the reverse.

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Daily for (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

You don't have to create everything alone, Sagittarius. Life isn't an individual sport. To live life fully, you must participate. Often this involves interacting with other people. This is an exercise in confidence. Do you want to be with us - yes or no Regardless of your answer, outside events will lead you in a direction that you can neither predict nor imagine.

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Daily for (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Yes, Scorpio, your projects have taken some time to get set up. This is because you haven't been concentrating hard enough. You are doing several things at once, with the result that things have been moving more slowly than you expected. Your change in orientation requires you to focus your energy in a single direction. However, the question remains - what direction

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Daily for (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Are you having some problems with authority, Libra Are you having a hard time making yourself understood If so, have you thought about explaining your projects in detail to the people that you hope will follow you in your adventure You can't expect others to follow you blindly. They, too, have their lives to live, as well as their own objectives and priorities.

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Daily for (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Are you getting hit with obstacles, Virgo Could it be that you simply need to allot yourself more time to complete the monumental tasks you take on This might be difficult for you to tolerate. You don't know how to deal with times like these when you must continue doing the same thing over and over until you get results. There's a lesson here for you. Remember that patience is a virtue.

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Daily for (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Today is no time for dreaming, Leo! Quite the contrary. You can expect to have to settle a number of minor technical problems involving communications or transmissions. On the whole, it will be a somewhat trying day, but at least your mind will be occupied, leaving no room for the difficult internal questions that have been bothering you so much lately.

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Daily for Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

You should use the day to ponder your professional future, Cancer. Many forces seem to be working together to clarify your ideas on the subject. Rather than rebelling at the slightest provocation, as you've been doing lately, it would be much more reasonable for you to think first about the basic material needs of you and your family.

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Daily for (May 21 - Jun 20)

The day will be fairly quiet for you, Gemini. You're likely to yoke yourself to a task and continue working on it until evening. If someone tries to persuade you to take a break, it won't be all that difficult to resist. This is one day when you should follow your instincts, keep your head down, and focus on the task at hand.

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Daily for (Apr 20 - May 20)

Your mind is in great turmoil right now, Taurus, so it isn't surprising that you can't pay much attention to anything. It's as though your concept of the world has been inexorably changed and you see your love life and career with new eyes. Even so, you feel compelled to pick up the pieces of the past and save them. The day ahead should help you let go of the old world.

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Daily for (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Today, Aries, you can at last express the secrets that have been troubling you. You may be seething with anger inside and afraid to let it show for fear it may explode on contact. Or you may be steaming with a concealed passion for some lucky special someone. The head will rule the heart today, and your mind will be unclouded by any haze of emotion. Perhaps you should take advantage of it.

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Daily for (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

How focused you are, Pisces! You're so calm and collected. Of course, the mood is especially hospitable to sobriety, reasonableness, and hard work. The horizon is clear, and you have all the information you require to navigate the seas of life. All you need is a little more faith and courage. If you don't succeed today, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

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Daily for (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

The astral energy is encouraging you to open up more to your world, culture, and ways of thinking, Aquarius. You don't have to go off alone in the desert to reinvent everything. For you, this would be the easy way out, because it would allow you to hide! Develop your curiosity about what exists in this society. Your opinion will carry weight later on.

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Astrology April 30, 2024
The Capricorn Moon connects with Mars at...

Astrology April 29, 2024
With the Moon in Capricorn now, we feel our...

Astrology April 26, 2024
Besides the fact that its finally Friday, weve got...


Daily for Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

You're likely to feel optimistic and enthusiastic about life today, Cancer. You might also feel especially sexy, a feeling you should definitely take advantage of! Why not plan a romantic evening with your loved one Don't hesitate to talk about your travel dreams over dinner. You never know, he or she just might share your dream. Before you know it, the two of you could be winging your way to exotic lands.

(C) 2024, Inc

Astrology April 23, 2024
Weve got a Full Moon today! First, the Moon moves into...



What sign are you Perhaps Lat the overthinker

Find out in definitely the most accurate personality test out there.

Astrology April 21, 2024
Are relationships top of mind for you today



Astrology April 20, 2024
Todays the day that every astrologer and her brother...

Astrology April 19, 2024
Happy birthday to all you gorgeous Taurus people...

The only is .

Astrology April 18, 2024
If youre feeling a little edgy today, youre...

Depuis le temps que je le savais que javais un dfaut de fabrication :yay:

Astrology April 17, 2024
Both Saturn and the Leo Moon aspect the...

Astrology April 16, 2024
Late last night, the Moon moved into Leo...

Horoscope Today:
16th April 2024

Monday April 15, 2024

Today the is at ,

challenging us to attend to feelings, needs, and self-care.

The thing is, when we don't attend to our needs for:

recharging our batteries

we can't be at our best to contribute and make a positive difference,

in our lives and the world around us.

More in this video

Astrology April 15, 2024
The Moon continues in Cancer for most...

Horoscope Today:
15th April 2024

Astrology April 13-14, 2024
This mornings Gemini Moon helps us to consider...

Cranio is out NOW!

Consult the oracle
Learn to love the ugly parts of yourself

Itch -

Astrology April 11, 2024
Early this morning, the Moon and Neptune offer...

Astrology April 10, 2024
The Moon continues moving through Taurus, and...

Astrology April 9, 2024
The Sun and Chiron are still very close...

Couldn't let the solar eclipse go by today without writing a zodiac poem.

This one was so much fun to write!

Everything about Nightmares